Oh no, another acne breakout. Will this one clear up without leaving a trace? Or will it leave angry, raised marks all over your skin?
If your first reaction is to stress about acne scarring, you need a solution that’ll clear your complexion for good.
At Xanadu, we believe that no one should have to cope with acne scars or the damage they can do to one’s confidence. We offer acne scar treatment in Fort Collins to remove the indentations and hyperpigmentation left behind by annoying breakouts.
Keep reading our blog to learn all about the various treatments we offer to clear acne scarring. Visit our website to book your appointment and start creating your clearest skin yet.
Causes of Acne Scarring
If acne scarring plagues your skincare worries, you’re not alone! On average, 1 in 5 people with acne will deal with scarring at some point in their lives.
Acne scars form right after an acne blemish has fully healed. They’re usually the result of inflammation when the affected pore swells and its walls break down.
Not all acne causes scarring, but you’re more likely to develop acne scarring if the blemish went deep into the skin. These blemishes are referred to as acne cysts or nodules, which are typically more painful than the average whitehead or blackhead.
You may also develop acne scarring if you picked at or popped the blemish. This irritates the skin and will typically increase inflammation. Squeezing can also push bacteria and pus deeper into the skin.
Finally, you may be more prone to acne scarring if it runs in your family. If your close, blood-related relatives experience acne scarring, you’re more likely to develop it as well.
Types of Acne Scarring
There are multiple types of acne scars. These include:
- Atrophic scars – These are flat depressions that heal below the top layer of skin, typically caused by severe cystic acne. Atrophic scars form when the skin produces too little collagen during the healing process, and they generally fall into 3 categories.
- Boxcar scars – Characterized by box-like depression with sharply defined edges, boxcar scars most commonly form in thicker areas of skin, like the lower cheeks and jaw.
- Ice pick scars – This type of scarring consists of small, narrow indentations in the skin. These are most common in the cheek area.
- Rolling scars – These scars have sloping edges that may appear wavy or uneven, also commonly found on the lower cheeks and jaw.
- Hypertrophic scars – These scars appear as raised lumps of scar tissue where the acne blemish once was. Hypertrophic scars appear above the skin because of an excess in collagen production during the healing process.
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation – These are not technically scars as they don’t affect your skin’s texture, but are instead a patch of darker, discolored skin left behind by an acne blemish. This is usually a result of an overproduction in melanin following inflammation.
It’s also very common to deal with multiple types of acne scarring at the same time. This is often referred to as hybrid scarring.
Acne Scar Treatments at Xanadu
Why is it important to understand the type of acne scarring you have? When we understand the specifics, we can determine the best route for treatment. But no matter what type of scarring you are experiencing, we offer many options for acne scar treatment in Fort Collins.
LaseMD Ultra
LaseMD Ultra is a nonablative, fractional laser treatment that addresses mild to moderate hyperpigmentation and skin texture.
Nonablative lasers create subtle improvements to the skin by boosting collagen production. These lasers penetrate to the deepest levels of the skin and stimulate the body’s healing response.
Nonablative lasers can treat the skin through fractional devices. These devices create microscopic channels of thermal damage in the skin to trigger tissue regeneration, reducing hyperpigmentation and other concerns from within.
LaseMD Ultra is gentler on the skin than many other laser treatments and requires little to no downtime. Not only that, but we can customize this treatment to address a variety of different skin types and concerns.
One session of LaseMD Ultra acne scar treatment in Fort Collins can range anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes.
Patients who undergo these treatments may experience mild to moderate discomfort. However, your Xanadu LaseMD Ultra technician will apply a topical numbing cream to help keep you comfortable throughout your procedure.
During your LaseMD Ultra treatment, your technician will pass a handheld tool over the specified area. Some patients report feeling a slight pinching or tingling sensation as the device runs over the skin.
You may experience mild redness or irritation in the days following your treatment.
Morphes8 RF Microneedling
Morpheus8 RF microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that uses microneedles and radiofrequency energy to address acne scars and pigmentation, also capitalizing on your body’s innate healing abilities to provide natural-looking rejuvenation.

These needles create small, pin-like micro injuries to target and rejuvenate the deepest layers of the skin. The RF microneedling device emits radiofrequency energy into these tiny wounds, which boosts the production of capillaries, collagen, and elastin.
We recommend 1 to 3 sessions of Morpheus8 to achieve optimal results from acne scar treatment in Fort Collins.
First, we will apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment area to help keep you comfortable. During your Morpheus8 treatment, your technician will stamp the Morpheus8 device handpiece across your skin.
Doing this will allow the needles to penetrate the skin and deliver radiofrequency energy below the surface. Your treatment can last anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes.
In the days following your treatment, you may experience redness, itchiness, and swelling. The severity of your side effects and recovery period depends entirely on the strength of your Morpheus8 treatment.
CO2 Laser Treatment
CO2 lasers precisely remove thin layers of skin to reduce and remove acne scarring.
Unlike LaseMD Ultra, CO2 lasers fall under the ablative laser category. These lasers are considered to be a bit more aggressive than non ablative lasers and create more dramatic improvements.
Ablative lasers work by vaporizing the outer layer of skin to penetrate and heat the layer just beneath it. From there, the heat from the laser stimulates the body’s natural healing process and encourages collagen production.
With our Pixel Perfect device, we are able to target specific areas of the skin with precision, effectively addressing acne scars without damaging the surrounding tissue.
To begin your treatment, your CO2 laser resurfacing technician will apply topical numbing cream to your desired treatment area. While CO2 laser acne scar treatment in Fort Collins can involve mild to moderate discomfort, we take every measure to help keep you comfortable throughout the process. Once that has taken effect, they will then slowly move the laser wand over the skin.
After, you will be given antibacterial ointment and bandages to keep your treatment area clean.
We typically recommend 1 to 3 CO2 laser treatment sessions to achieve optimal acne scar removal. This procedure involves 48 to 72 hours of downtime, depending on the treatment area.
Frequently Asked Questions About Acne Scar Removal
Here are some more details to inform your decision about acne scar treatment in Fort Collins.
Is acne scar removal permanent?
Lasers and acne scar removal devices can make significant improvements to the skin and sometimes completely remove acne scarring.
Your results will depend entirely on which treatment you have done and the number of sessions you undergo.
Are there any treatments that can prevent acne itself?
Yes! LaseMD Ultra is great for active breakouts because it targets bacteria and reduces inflammation in the affected areas.
LaseMD Ultra can also help tighten pores, reducing their visibility and preventing future breakouts.
What treatments can reduce acne scarring while acne is still active?
LaseMD Ultra will be your best bet to reduce acne scarring while acne is still present. As mentioned previously, LaseMD Ultra can heal active acne breakouts while addressing scars from past blemishes.
We recommend waiting until active breakouts have cleared up to schedule your appointment for Morpheus8 and CO2 laser treatments. This is because the presence of blemishes can disrupt the treatment processes and potentially cause infections.
Why Xanadu Values Patient Care
At Xanadu, we believe serving others isn’t just a job—it’s our life’s calling.
Our mission is to help our patients achieve their aesthetic goals and live joyously with improved confidence.

As related to acne scarring, we strive to reduce and completely remove those annoying marks so you can feel confident in your own skin. Whether you’re looking to get rid of acne scars or are interested in a different treatment, we can help guide you to your best self.
Above all else, our team values integrity, excellence, and commitment to our patients.
We work hard to earn the trust of our patients through constant training and education in the latest treatment technologies. We push our team to learn, grow, and exceed the high expectations our patients have for us.
If there’s one thing we want patients to know about Xanadu, it’s that our only goal is to serve you.
Get Rid of Acne Scarring… For Good
At Xanadu, we understand how truly irritating acne scarring can be. Nothing is more frustrating than being left with acne scars that make it seem like the breakouts never healed.
Between LaseMD Ultra, Morpheus8, and CO2 laser treatments, we have all the options you need to clear your complexion. When you schedule your acne scar treatment in Fort Collins, you can rest assured knowing you’re in good hands.
Are you ready to heal your acne scarring? Visit our website or give us a call to book your acne scar removal treatment at Xanadu.
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