Xanadu Med Spa

Is Body Sculpting Permanent?

Quick Answer – Yes!


Yes! Body sculpting is permanent. The treatment breaks down subcutaneous fat cells, which do not come back.

According to research, the number of fat cells remains consistent in adulthood. Although they can increase and decrease in volume, once you move past puberty, the number of fat cells remains the same.

However, body sculpting kills off these fat cells, and new fat cells do not return. Only the remaining fat cells in your body can shrink or expand as you lose or gain weight. This means that if you maintain a proper diet and exercise, you can preserve body-sculpting results permanently.

Permanent Body Sculpting Results at Xanadu Med Spa

At Xanadu Med Spa, Fort Collins, we are proud to be recognized by the Silicone Review as a top 50 company to watch. As industry leaders, we are proud to offer luxurious med spa facilities.

Our approach to med spa treatments is unrivaled. Utilizing a combination of the latest technology and the very best estheticians, we have helped thousands of people to reach their goals.

Even with a healthy diet and exercise, unwanted fat cells remain stubborn. Our innovative non-surgical body contouring treatments will kill fat cells and tone your entire body. These treatments deliver incredible results while being quick and non-invasive, requiring very little to no downtime.

At Xanadu Med Spa we offer a free consultation, where one of our talented estheticians will assess your body type and goals and advise you on the most effective treatments. Our bespoke approach will ensure that you see the best possible results.

Contact us today at 970-591-7919.

What is Body Sculpting?

Some people find it incredibly difficult to reach their ideal body weight, whether it’s due to genetics, having had children, or health conditions. Some people try every diet and exercise regime, but nothing seems to work, or when it does, the weight is impossible to keep off. This can be frustrating and can have a serious impact on both mental and physical health.

At Xanadu Med Spa, we offer a range of nonsurgical body sculpting treatments. These non-invasive procedures can help reduce unwanted fat and can be as effective as traditional surgical procedures but without downtime. For most of our clients, the results exceed their expectations.

Some of the treatments we are proud to offer include EmScult NEO and CoolSculpting. Both of these treatments are FDA approved and have very little risk.

Why is Body Sculpting Permanent?

Body sculpting will result in your body getting rid of fat cells permanently. Regardless of whether you are killing fat cells by freezing them with CoolScultping or using electromagnetic technology with EmSculpt NEO, the targeted fat cells will be gone for good.

Your body actually stops producing fat cells by the time you reach 25 years of age. That means that when fat cells are killed, and your body secretes them, they cannot return.

However, you should be aware fat removal treatment may remove 20-80% of localized fat cells. Any that are not killed can still store fat and expand in the future. Therefore, to maintain your ideal body shape, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

How Can I Maintain My Ideal Results?

You can preserve your ideal body shape by maintaining a good diet and exercise routine. You may choose to record your weight on a weekly or monthly basis, and if you see it increasing, then you may want to assess your diet.

If you are unsure why you are gaining weight, then you may want to make a record of what you are eating over the course of a week and assess where extra calories may be coming from. You can then take steps to amend your diet.

At Xanadu Spa, our expert technicians are able to offer advice on diet and exercise to help you maintain the results you want. We take pride in helping clients reach and maintain their goals and offer support and guidance where needed.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments you need depends on the type of treatment you choose as well as your individual needs.

Most of our clients who choose CoolSculpting benefit from two to three sessions per treatment area. While some see results straight away, it takes time for the body to kill and get rid of unwanted fat cells. The most dramatic results are likely to be visible after 90 days.

On the other hand, clients who choose EmSculpt NEO usually require a series of four treatments. The sessions take around 30 minutes and can be administered once a week for the best results.

Body Sculpting with CoolSculpting

CoolSculping is a revolutionary technology that freezes and destroys fat cells by utilizing cryolipolysis. Fat cells are exposed to very low temperatures, which causes them to break apart and allows the body to remove them naturally.

CoolSculpting has been proven to provide effective fat loss. Some common areas of the body that people receive CoolScultping are the belly, hips, back, thighs, chin, and ankles. Many of our male clients also choose to use CoolSculpting to reduce fat in their chests.

When people lose weight naturally, it often results in sagging skin. Fortunately, CoolSculpting not only kills fat cells, it also tightens the skin and improves its elasticity. For this reason, it can be especially effective for clients who have lost a lot of weight and are looking to tone their bodies and shift that last bit of stubborn fat.

Body Sculpting with EMSculpt NEO

EmSculpt NEO is another pioneering technology that not only kills stubborn fat cells but also tones and builds muscle at the same time. Sound too good to be true?

EmSculpt NEO has been clinically proven to reduce fat by up to 30% in treated areas while improving muscle mass by as much as 25%. Clients are left with a more toned body shape and increased confidence.

EmSulpt NEO uses ultrasound and radiofrequency, which also stimulates collagen production. Collagen improves skin elasticity, which makes you look more toned and even helps prevent wrinkles.

The Benefits of Body Sculpting

Whether you are hoping to shift that last bit of fat after losing weight, are looking to slow the aging process, or are financially ready to have the body of your dreams, body sculpting is for you.

Some of the main benefits include:

  • Permanently kills fat cells.
  • Shifts stubborn fat.
  • Increase in muscle mass.
  • FDA-approved.
  • Clinically proven.
  • Tones skin and restores elasticity.
  • Helps fight signs of aging.
  • Works on areas that are difficult to target, such as the stomach and hips.
  • Treatment sessions can easily fit into your schedule, as they only take 30-60 minutes.
  • Non-invasive and little downtime.

Is Body Sculpting Permanent? – FAQ

Body sculpting refers to a range of non-invasive treatments that destroy fat cells, build muscle and tighten skin. These innovative treatments are designed to help you reach your body shape goals.

The terms body sculpting and body contouring are used interchangeably and both mean the same thing.

YES! The EmSculpt NEO treatment has been shown to increase muscle mass by up to 25%! It works by contracting your muscles during treatment sessions.

The goal of body sculpting is for people to achieve a more toned, healthier-looking body. This does not always equate to a reduction in weight. Although body sculpting results in fat loss, it also increases muscle mass. Weight loss is a result of both fat and muscle loss.

Body sculpting procedures target body fat around the organs and stubborn areas. It reduces fat while preserving, or in some cases increasing, muscle mass. The result is a more toned shape, but not necessarily a lower weight.

Clinically Proven Treatments at Xanadu Spa

At Xanadu Med Spa, we offer industry-leading, clinically proven treatments.

Our body sculpting treatments help remove stubborn fat that does not respond to traditional diet and exercise. Utilizing fat freezing and ultrasound, and radiofrequency treatments, our treatments can kill fat cells, improve skin elasticity and even improve muscle mass.

Our bespoke approach has resulted in a long list of happy clients who have achieved their dream results and more.

Book a free consultation with one of our estheticians at Xanadu Med Spa in Fort Collins today. We will expertly develop a strategy that will help you achieve the best results possible. Call today at 970-591-7919.