Xanadu Med Spa

Fort Collins Hair Restoration

Comprehensive Hair Restoration at Xanadu Med Spa: Accessing Alma TED, LaseMD Keralase, and HydraFacial Keravive Treatments

Hair loss can be a challenging experience, affecting one’s confidence and self-esteem. With advancements in medical aesthetics, Xanadu Med Spa offers a range of innovative hair restoration treatments that cater to various concerns and needs. Alma TED, LaseMD Keralase, and HydraFacial Keravive treatments stand out as three cutting-edge options that together provide a comprehensive approach to hair restoration in Northern Colorado.

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Alma TED Treatment: Tackling Hair Loss with Advanced Technology

The Alma Targeted Epidermal Dermabrasion (TED) treatment harnesses advanced technology to address hair loss concerns. This non-invasive procedure utilizes a combination of microdermabrasion and electroporation to create micro-channels in the scalp. These channels allow for enhanced penetration of serums containing essential nutrients, growth factors, and peptides. Alma TED’s precise and targeted approach stimulates hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth while also improving the overall condition of the scalp.

LaseMD Keralase Treatment: Nourishing Hair Follicles for Optimal Growth

LaseMD Keralase treatment is a revolutionary solution that combines the power of fractional laser technology with Keralase, a specialized serum. This unique synergy targets hair follicles, stimulating blood circulation, and delivering essential nutrients to support healthy hair growth. By addressing scalp health and nourishing hair follicles, LaseMD Keralase offers a transformative approach to hair restoration, leading to improved hair density and quality.

HydraFacial Keravive Treatment: Rejuvenating Scalp Health for Vibrant Hair

HydraFacial Keravive is a rejuvenating treatment designed to optimize scalp health for enhanced hair growth. Using a patented HydraFacial device, this non-invasive procedure exfoliates the scalp, removes impurities, and infuses it with a blend of growth factors and peptides. By promoting a healthy scalp environment, HydraFacial Keravive supports hair follicles and encourages the growth of stronger, thicker hair strands.

A Comprehensive Approach to Non-Invasive Hair Restoration in Northern Colorado

By offering a combination of Alma TED, LaseMD Keralase, and HydraFacial Keravive treatments, Xanadu Med Spa provides the most comprehensive approach to hair restoration in Northern Colorado. This holistic strategy addresses various aspects of hair loss and aims to provide patients with effective, natural-looking results. Here’s how these three treatments synergistically contribute to a successful outcome:

1. Targeted Stimulation: Alma TED targets hair follicles with precision, promoting hair growth through enhanced nutrient delivery and stimulation.

2. Nourishment and Revitalization: LaseMD Keralase nourishes hair follicles with specialized serums, enhancing scalp health and improving hair density and quality.

3. Scalp Health Optimization: HydraFacial Keravive rejuvenates the scalp by exfoliating, removing impurities, and infusing it with growth factors, creating an ideal environment for healthy hair growth.

The combined effects of these treatments provide patients with a multi-faceted solution to hair restoration, addressing both the visible signs of hair loss and the underlying scalp health. This synergistic approach ensures that patients not only experience improved hair growth but also enjoy the benefits of healthier, more vibrant hair.

Thinning hair and hair loss can be a significant aesthetic concern among men and women alike. Some believe that hair transplant surgery or other surgical procedures are the only way to return their head of hair to something resembling what they had previously. However, at Xanadu Med Spa, our experts can help with new hair growth and rejuvenation of existing hair without any kind of invasive surgical procedure performed.

If you want to return your hair to its former glory without the need to speak to a doctor or surgeon and prefer a treatment without discomfort and any kind of health complications, call the experts at Xanadu Med Spa today to discuss your treatment options at 970-591-7919.

What Causes Thinning Hair and Hair Loss?

Hair thinning typically takes place over time. Outside of specific medical conditions, people are more likely to experience hair loss as they age. However, while age is a significant factor, and it is possible for hair to stop growing altogether at a certain point, it is far from the only reason why someone might consider hair replacement surgery.

  • Hormones – A hormonal imbalance in the body can lead to significant hair loss and is closely linked with female pattern hair loss, especially during menopause. Of course, men can also experience hormonal imbalances too, and any gender may find their hair density decreasing when their hormones change.
  • Medical issues – As noted, some medical problems can cause or accelerate hair loss. Anemia and issues with the thyroid are good candidates for hair loss, but they are not the only ones. If you want to stop hair loss but believe that an underlying medical issue is preventing you from having a fuller head of hair, we recommend speaking to a doctor before undergoing any related spa treatment and understanding any medications involved.
  • Genetics – Some people are simply genetically predisposed to losing their hair as they get older due to their family history. In the simplest terms, if a person’s parents and grandparents suffered hair loss, there is a strong likelihood that the same will happen to them. It is possible to do something about it beforehand, such as through the use of treatments and supplements, but there may come a time when hair transplant surgery becomes a viable option.
  • Hair maintenance – Just as with skin, organs, and any other part of the body, the failure to look after your hair can see a hair follicle no longer performing to its full potential. Fortunately, the hair and scalp skin is quite adept at looking after themselves, and it is often only when someone overuses heat or strong chemicals that they can cause lasting damage to individual hair follicles.

Hair Growth Without a Hair Transplant

As specialists in making the aesthetic dreams of our clients come true, we are all too aware of the stress and worry that even slight hair loss can cause. Millions of Americans are concerned about both current and future hair loss, and we want to reassure the patient community that technology has come a long way. Specifically, you do not need doctors to put you under the knife and endure hair restoration surgery to achieve a result that closely resembles when your full head of hair was at its finest.

Typically, without further intervention, hair regrowth does not happen naturally. Once a follicular unit shuts down, it won’t spring back to life, producing hairs as if nothing happened without being given a reason to do so. Some people bypass the role of hair follicles and opt for a hair transplant session, using donor hair, such as transplanted hair from the back of the head, to replace what is missing.

However, hair transplants may take a few months to start seeing results, although the newly transplanted hair follicles will often last a lifetime using modern techniques. With that said, hair transplantation overseen by a surgeon is far from the only available option.

Non-Invasive Hair Restoration

At Xanadu Med Spa, we are treatment specialists rather than surgeons, and we work to provide men and women alike with a treatment for their scalp that uses non-invasive techniques. One of our most popular solutions among the patient community is the Alma TED hair restoration treatment.

As with much of what we do at the spa, we rely on the latest technology rather than dated techniques. In this case, the treatment uses a combination of sound waves and air pressure to stimulate the follicles and scalp, and restore hair without the need for hair grafts or a full-scale hair transplant.

The procedure uses sound waves on the scalp, causing the lipid bilayer to expand. This results in plenty of space on the scalp and under the skin for bubbles to expand in while a specially-formulated medication is delivered.

From there, the air pressure used in the procedure ensures that the medication is delivered deep into the skin of the scalp, ensuring it can get to work quickly and effectively. This then leads to hair replacement by strengthening the follicles and stimulating blood flow.

Essentially, the technique encourages the follicles you already have to get back to work without follicular unit transplantation. While a hair transplant moves hair, this technique makes the hair-bearing scalp more active, and the results of the procedure are virtually undetectable outside of a triumphant return to optimal hair health.

The Advantages of Non-Surgical Procedures Over a Hair Transplant

The decision to work with a surgeon and their medical team on an invasive form of hair replacement is one that is not to be taken lightly. Our services are designed to achieve the same results for your appearance without many of the drawbacks and difficulties that surgery can entail.

The patient community that works with Xanadu Med Spa for hair restoration in Colorado enjoys a range of benefits and advantages, including:

  • Tested and proven in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia
  • Pain and discomfort-free, with no need for local anesthesia
  • Fast and without side-effects
  • No shedding following the procedure
  • A healthier scalp

Is Hair Restoration For Me?

A good candidate for our hair restoration procedure is someone that is in good health and has already started to experience the earliest signs of hair loss. A member of our team will always discuss your options and goals before embarking on any course of treatment, and they will be able to tell you whether our hair restoration procedure would make sense for you personally.

You will start to see results in just a couple of weeks, as your scalp begins shedding fewer hairs. In as little as a month following your initial procedure, you will find that your scalp has started to produce new hairs.

Around a month after that, your scalp will be close to being back to normal, and others might start to notice your improvements. Rest assured that our consultants will be with you at every step to ensure your new head of hair is everything you hoped for and more!

Speak to the Hair Restoration Experts at Xanadu Med Spa Today

Hair restoration is no longer a one-size-fits-all journey. Xanadu Med Spa’s offering of Alma TED, LaseMD Keralase, and HydraFacial Keravive treatments demonstrates a commitment to providing patients in Northern Colorado with a full array of opportunity to provide successful hair restoration. By combining advanced technology, specialized serums, and rejuvenating procedures, these treatments work together to stimulate hair growth, improve scalp health, and enhance overall hair quality. Embrace the power of innovation and embark on a transformative journey toward healthier, fuller, and more vibrant hair with Xanadu Med Spa’s comprehensive hair restoration options.

If you’re in the early stages of hair loss or want to focus on new hair as part of a broader self-improvement plan, contact our experts today for a free consultation at 970-591-7919.