Windsor EvolveX

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Windsor EvolveX

A healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise is a great way to stay in shape. But let’s face it, work, family life, and other responsibilities always seem to get in the way of maintaining healthy living. Plus, as we get older, our bodies change, which makes it more and more difficult to shift weight, tone up, and stay in shape.

Evolve X is a type of body sculpting treatment that tightens the skin and helps eliminate fat. It’s completely non-invasive and highly effective at contouring the body as it effectively kills fat cells that are often difficult to get rid of. The Evolve X treatment uses radio frequency and electromagnetic energy that can help reduce fat mass and strengthen muscles. This procedure eliminates fat cells and promotes a youthful shape.

At Xanadu Med Spa in Fort Collins, serving Windsor, CO, we offer a range of body sculpting treatments to those looking to improve their overall physique. Whether you’re wanting to get beach-ready for a vacation or just want to start feeling fabulous in your own skin, the Evolve X treatment can help you reach your goal.

We’ve served the people of Windsor and Northern Colorado for years now, so we know what we’re doing when it comes to body sculpting treatments. Our fully licensed estheticians are trained and ready to get you the physique that you deserve.

Call us at (970) 591-7919 to schedule a free consultation with a member of our team today.

What Is Evolve X?

Evolve X is a body sculpting treatment that helps burn fat and improve the overall physique.

Have you noticed that no matter how hard you try, you can’t shift weight? Do you have stubborn fat pockets that just won’t go away no matter how many squats or sit-ups you do?

Body sculpting can help get rid of these stubborn pockets of fat with minimal pain and discomfort. Once these fat cells have been eliminated from the body using this treatment, they can’t return.

How Does Evolve X Work?

The Evolve X body sculpting treatment works using three techniques. The machine combines radio frequency waves and electrical muscle stimulation to help burn fat, tighten skin, and tone the muscles.

  • Trim – the trimming technique involves the reduction of fat cells in the desired area. Vacuums are placed on the treatment area and radiofrequency waves are emitted into the area. Fat cells are eliminated from the area and the skin is tightened in the process.
  • Tite – as we age, our skin begins to slowly lose its beloved elasticity. Also, as we put on weight, our skin naturally expands to allow for excess fat. Once we lose the weight, the skin is left sagging and has difficulty returning to its previous elasticated state. Luckily, the tite process tightens sagging skin. The device is placed onto the body and the radio frequency waves are emitted slowly into the skin to help tighten it.
  • Tone – by using EMS (electrical muscle stimulation), the Evolve X can help tone the body. The machine forces the muscles to contract, which can improve the strength and overall appearance of the body. During treatment, muscles feel like they are vibrating as they contract. This can feel a bit strange, but no pain is felt during the appointment.

What to Expect During Your Appointment

During your initial consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your treatment plan with one of our specialists. Once we know which areas you would like to be treated, an esthetician will mark these areas on the skin.

As the machine gets to work, you can sit (or lie) back and relax. Many of our patients choose to read, listen to music, and even respond to emails while they undergo treatment.

On average, the appointments last between 30 and 60 minutes.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of appointments necessary to achieve desired results varies from person to person.

Most patients require three to six treatments to see achieve optimal results.

Patients must wait at least one week between each appointment to allow for the skin to heal and be ready for the next session.

How Long Do Results Last?

Those undergoing our EvolveX treatment can enjoy long-lasting results that are often permanent. The machine completely eliminates fat cells from the treatment area, which, once eliminated, don’t return.

Nevertheless, in order to maintain optimum results, we recommend our clients maintain a healthy lifestyle that involves daily exercise and a healthy, balanced diet.

Benefits of Evolve X

  • Non-invasive – unlike surgery and other cosmetic treatments, the Evolve X body sculptor is non-invasive. At Xanadu Med Spa, we realize that many of our clients prefer to avoid going under the knife at all costs. We believe that many non-invasive alternatives to surgery have similar or the same results and the Evolve X treatment we offer is no different.
  • No laser or heat treatment – laser and heat treatments can be effective procedures for fat reduction, hair removal, and general body sculpting. However, treatments that use heat can often cause pain and discomfort in the treatment area and surrounding skin. Evolve X does not rely on heat treatment to get the job done.
  • Painless – EvolveX is a pain-free procedure. Patients usually feel vibrating on the skin and muscles. However, this is a painless sensation and some even find it quite relaxing.
  • No downtime – we understand that our clients are busy people. Work, family life, and other responsibilities make it difficult to find time for ourselves. Luckily, this procedure requires no recovery time, so you can get on with whatever you need to get done straight after the appointment.
  • Customizable – everyone has different wants, needs, and preferences when it comes to body shape and type. The Evolve X can be customized to treat your specific body type to ensure optimal results.

Where Can the Windsor EvolveX Treatment Be Used?

The Evolve X treatment can be used on:

  • Abdomen.
  • Arms.
  • Bra-line.
  • Flanks.
  • Lower Legs.
  • Knees.
  • Thighs.
  • Buttocks.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Normally, people maintain a healthy weight and balanced lifestyle to look their best. However, gravity can make your skin fall and sag, regardless of how much exercise you do or how many salads you eat. Even the fittest individuals can seem older or weathered with age.

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight or tone up but can’t seem to get the results you were hoping for, then Evolve X may be the treatment for you.

Contact Us Today

Looking for a quick and easy treatment to reduce fat, tone the body, and tighten saggy skin? Then look no further! The Evolve X body sculpting treatment is a revolutionary procedure that can noticeably reduce the appearance of loose skin, cellulite, and pockets of fat while developing a more muscular physique.

Based in Fort Collins, our staff at Xanadu Med Spa are highly trained and experienced in their field. During your free consultation, a member of staff will learn all about you and figure out what type of treatments you are looking for so that we can ensure that we achieve the best results possible for you.

We offer a range of treatments and services to people living in Windsor, CO, and the surrounding areas in Northern Colorado.

Call us at (970) 591-7919 to schedule your free consultation today!

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