Xanadu Med Spa

How Does Hair Restoration Work?

How Does Hair Restoration Work

The vast range of underlying reasons that cause both men and women to suffer from thinning hair and hair loss means that these issues affect many people and their happiness, self-confidence, and overall well-being. Hair transplants, caffeine shampoo, supplements, and hair restoration treatments can all offer potential solutions to hair thinning and loss, with varying degrees of effectiveness.

xanadu ornament.
xanadu ornament.

Understandably, people suffering from hair loss want the most effective solution possible and want to avoid wasting time with ineffective solutions. Traditionally, other than home remedies or surgery, hair loss sufferers had very few options. However, new technological advancements have solved this problem. Non-surgical hair restoration, such as Alma TED provides a viable and effective alternative to invasive and potentially risky hair transplant surgery.

Instead of invasive surgical procedures, hair restoration uses ultrasonic sound energy waves and trans-epidermal medication to stimulate hair growth and improve follicle health, treating bald patches and thinning hair. At Xanadu Med Spa, we have helped countless patients treat their hair loss without surgery and regain their thick, healthy hair. 

If you have questions about hair restoration or are wondering ‘how does a hair transplant work?’, Xanadu Med Spa staff are here to help with expert advice and information. As the top-rated medical spa in Colorado, we love nothing more than helping our clients achieve results they didn’t think were possible and regain their confidence. 

Book a complimentary consultation by calling 970-591-7919  today to discuss your hair restoration options with Xanadu Med Spa.

Causes Of Hair Loss

Many factors can influence the health of your hair and whether you may experience thinning hair and hair loss. Some individuals are genetically predisposed to hair loss, whereas others may be severely impacted by the effects of aging, chronic stress, or a medical condition. 


Your genetics can influence your likelihood of hair loss during your lifetime. Often, if older family members, such as your parents or grandparents, have experienced hair loss, you may also be more likely to. 


Many people notice hair loss or that their hair is thinning as they get older. This is a relatively common side effect of age, although the rate at which hair loss occurs and how early in life it starts can vary dramatically. As we age, some of our hair follicles stop growing hair, which will result in hair looking thinner than before. Often, individuals will notice a receding hairline as an effect of age-related hair loss. 


A variety of hormone imbalances can lead to hair thinning and loss. For example, too high levels of testosterone can cause excess dihydrotestosterone, which damages hair follicles and can result in bald or thinning areas. Similarly, low estrogen levels in women can also contribute to hair loss. 

Hair Care

How you treat your hair can play a significant role in your hair health, how thick your hair is, and hair loss. Excess use of heat, hair dye, and bleach can weaken your hair and lead to hair loss. Similarly, repeatedly wearing too-tight hairstyles for an extended period of time can pull your hair at the follicle and may also contribute to hair loss. 


Your lifestyle can have a substantial impact on your hair health. For instance, individuals who are exposed to chronic stress over a long period of time can suffer from thin hair and hair loss. Several hair-loss-related conditions can be triggered by prolonged stress, such as alopecia areata or telogen effluvium, a condition where hair can fall out up to three times faster than it would normally.

Additionally, your diet can also impact your hair. For example, consistently eating too-little calories means that your body needs to conserve energy, and processes such as hair growth suffer, which can result in hair loss. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies from a poor diet can also be detrimental to hair health.

Conditions and Illnesses

Several medical conditions can cause thinning hair and hair loss. Many of these conditions are more commonplace in society than you may think. Androgenic alopecia is a hereditary hair loss condition, often known as pattern baldness. The condition affects approximately 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States alone. Often, the hair loss effects of androgenic alopecia worsen with age. In men, androgenic alopecia usually originates near the temples, whereas in women, the hair will start to thin and bald patches may appear at the hair parting. 

Another type of alopecia, Alopecia areata, is an auto-immune condition whereby the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles. This condition can affect the hair follicles on the scalp or other places in the body and cause low hair density and possible baldness. Approximately 2% of the general population of the United States will experience alopecia areata at some point in their lifetime. 

Alma TED Hair Restoration At Xanadu Med Spa: How Does Hair Restoration Work

At Xanadu Med Spa, we do not perform hair transplant surgery. However, we are proud to offer a lower-risk, pain-free alternative that yields impressive hair restoration results, often in less time than other options. 

The Alma TED hair restoration procedure at Xanadu Med Spa works by combining two steps: 

  1. The procedure uses a combination of air pressure and low-frequency acoustic sound waves to expand the lipid layer of the scalp. The sound waves create small bubbles once they reach the skin’s protective barrier, which then expand the lipid layer, allowing the delivery of specific medication deep into the scalp and hair follicles. 
  2. The treatment then uses trans-epidermal drug delivery (TED) to carefully administer a powerful medical formula directly into the scalp and hair roots for optimum absorption and effect. 
  3. The formula used in Alma TED has been carefully created by hair growth experts to stimulate new hair growth, develop an optimal scalp environment, and support follicle strength. The medication administered deep into the scalp encourages healthy hair growth and supports a healthy hair-bearing scalp.

Other Methods To Combat Hair Loss

A vast array of potential options are available to reduce hair thinning, stop hair loss, and encourage hair growth. These include lifestyle changes, hair products, caffeine shampoos, hair growth supplements, and even surgical hair transplantation. Recently, non-invasive, surgery-free hair restoration treatments have been emerging to give patients a lower-risk alternative to surgery with just as promising results. 

Natural Remedies

Supplements such as ginseng, fish oil, vitamin C, and antioxidants may all provide some benefits to improve hair loss or thinning. Similarly, applying oils or solutions that penetrate into the scalp and promote hair growth may also help. Potential remedies include coconut oil, lemon juice, rosemary oil, onion juice, and geranium oil. However, scientific opinion on the effectiveness of these options varies, and research into some products is limited. 

Surgical Hair Transplantation

On the other end of the scale to natural remedies is hair transplant surgery. This is a surgical option available to individuals to combat hair loss through the surgical movement of hair follicles into an area with thin or no hair. 

In hair transplant surgery, a surgeon removes strips of skin and hair follicles from the back of your head. This area where the skin is taken from is stitched, and the transplanted hair is inserted into the treatment area. Patients are usually left with a scar on the back of the head where the hair and skin were taken from. 

How Does Hair Restoration Compare To Hair Transplant Surgery?

Several key differences stand out when comparing non-surgical hair restoration to hair restoration surgery. The risks associated with surgery are higher and more serious, and surgery will almost always leave patients with a permanent scar. Other factors, such as the time it takes to see results from each procedure, can also influence a decision between the two treatments. 

Additionally, in surgery, your final result is very dependent upon the skill of your hair transplant surgeon. For a successful surgical hair transplant, the hair roots must be handled and moved very carefully. An inexperienced surgeon can hinder the success rate of your procedure and even cause it to fail entirely. Although an Alma TED hair restoration treatment must also be administered by a highly-trained professional, the stakes and risk of failure are not as high as with surgical options. This is partly because newly transplanted hair is far more fragile and sensitive to disturbance, and hair restoration focuses on existing hair in the treatment area.

Depending on the size of the treatment area, a surgical hair transplant procedure can be a painstaking and time-consuming process. Whereas hair restoration treatments typically take 30 minutes per session, and a patient may require a course of approximately three sessions.


Hair transplant surgery carries substantially higher health risks and risks of serious side effects than the non-invasive alternatives. As with any surgery, hair transplantation carries risks of infection, skin necrosis, bleeding, an allergic reaction to the medication, and scarring. Non-surgical hair restoration carries risks of more minor side effects, such as redness and irritation. 

Alma TED hair restoration treatments not only stimulate new natural hair growth, but the treatment formula also supports the surrounding hair to strengthen it and reduce further hair loss.

Time To See Results

One main difference between non-surgical hair restoration and transplantation is that hair restoration supports the hair follicles you already have to recover and regain health to grow healthy hair again. Conversely, hair transplantation relies solely on replacing your original hair follicles with new ones. This difference can result in significantly different times to see results, as transplanting new follicles and waiting for them to successfully grow hair can be a lengthy process. 

The time to see results can differ substantially between both procedures. Approximately 3 months after surgical hair transplantation, patients will start to notice normal-rate growth from the new follicles in the transplanted area. 

Patients will see visible results usually around six to nine months after their surgery, although, for some, it can take up to one year. On the other hand, Alma TED typically delivers faster results, and after two months patients will notice increased hair volume and less thinning, and after three months, less scalp will be visible. 


Medical professionals typically advise that hair transplant surgery will only be successful for the right candidates. Often, individuals suffering from thinning hair, as opposed to severe baldness, are unsuitable for this medical treatment. Similarly, those with certain types of alopecia or other conditions are also likely to be unsuitable candidates. 

Alternatively, Alma TED hair restoration is suitable for most individuals suffering from any hair loss or hair thinning, provided they are mostly in good health and haven’t used specific medications. Alma TED can produce impressive results for individuals with thinning hair before their hair loss gets so severe that they are deemed eligible for hair transplant surgery. 

The Hair Restoration Process

The first step in the hair restoration treatment process at Xanadu Med Spa is a consultation with one of our friendly hair restoration technicians. They will discuss your goals for treatment and develop a treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results. How many sessions you will need will depend upon the size of the area you want to treat and the extent of your hair loss. 

Eligibility For Alma TED Hair Restoration 

The Alma TED hair restoration treatments are usually suitable for anyone suffering from hair loss. Individuals likely to benefit most from the procedures are those in generally good health and showing signs of hair thinning or loss. 

If you are at an early stage of hair loss, this treatment can be particularly beneficial as an early intervention to prevent the worsening of hair loss and manage the impact on your hair. 

Individuals who have undergone recent medical treatments or taken medications that include steroids may not be immediately suitable for the Alma TED treatment. There may be a requirement to allow a specific amount of time to pass from your medical treatment before undergoing a hair restoration procedure.

Preparation For Your Treatment

Your Alma TED hair restoration session does not require extensive preparation. There is no need to book recovery time off work or arrange for someone to collect you from your appointment because you can’t drive. 

Instead, we simply require our patients to attend their session with freshly washed hair. A clean scalp and hair with no oils or hair products will increase the effectiveness of your session. Hair products can affect the effectiveness of your treatment by blocking the penetration of the medication into your scalp and hair follicles. 

Once you arrive at your treatment, our friendly team will explain the whole process to you and ensure you are comfortable and well looked after throughout. 

During Your Treatment

Each treatment session will last approximately 20 – 30 minutes. During this time, a Xanadu hair restoration technician will run a handheld device over your scalp on the treatment areas. The device will emit sound waves and air pressure to expand the scalp lipid layer and administer the medications. 

Fortunately, another benefit of the non-invasive Alma TED hair restoration treatment is that it is entirely pain-free. The procedure includes no needles and uses low-frequency sound waves to open the scalp lipid layer to administer the medication. As such, you won’t feel any pain at all, and there is no need for any anesthetic. 


Because Alma TED is non-surgical and minimally invasive, you will require no recovery time after your session. Once your session is complete, you can continue your daily schedule with very few aftercare needs. 

The main requirement is that patients should not wash their hair for 24 hours after the procedure to ensure they receive the maximum benefit from the medications. 

Alma TED Results

How quickly patients will see results from their Alma TED treatments is somewhat variable and will also depend upon your natural rate of hair growth. As a general rule, patients can expect to see early signs of improvement approximately two weeks after the completion of their treatment. 

Early signs of hair growth will usually become noticeable approximately one month after treatment. After two months, hair will be visibly less thin and more voluminous. Three months after completing treatment, patients can expect to see visibly less scalp showing than before their treatment. 

Start Your Painless Hair Restoration Journey With Xanadu Med Spa

Hair restoration at Xanadu Med Spa is an impressive success story of modern medical advancements. Through the use of low-frequency energy and carefully developed medications, the Alma TED hair restoration treatment can administer a powerful solution almost directly to the hair follicle to improve root health and boost hair growth. This procedure delivers notable results in as little as three months and leaves our clients with thicker, healthy hair and the confidence to match. 

At Xanadu Med Spa, we aim to provide treatments at the cutting of scientific research to ensure our clients always receive the best possible results. This is accompanied by our highly trained staff who strive to be the best in their field and provide top-standard service for every patient. 

The best part of our work is helping our patients achieve results that transform how they feel about themselves through the use of non-invasive, low-risk treatments. Hair restoration treatments at Xanadu Med Spa have delivered significant results for clients across Colorado. 

To find out how we can help you fight hair loss, book a free consultation by calling Xanadu Med Spa at 970-591-7919.