Ultrasonic Cavitation in Fort Collins

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These days, it’s becoming more and more difficult to get to the gym and eat a balanced diet. Work, family, and social life are hard enough to balance, so finding time to plan healthy meals and exercise regularly can often feel impossible.

Have you dreamed of an effective fat-busting treatment that quickly eliminates body fat without spending hours a day in the gym? Well, dream no more! The Ultrasonic Cavitation treatment is a body contouring treatment that essentially destroys fat cells to aid weight loss.

Nowadays, many of us are desperate to have a slimmer appearance without having to submit to a low-calorie diet, crazy exercise routines, and other unrealistic methods of losing weight. The Ultrasonic Cavitation procedure is a non-invasive alternative to liposuction that can reduce body fat mass and break down fat cells quickly and effectively.

At Xanadu Med Spa, we understand that many of our clients are more than hesitant to go under the knife or use other invasive treatments to achieve the results that they’re looking for. That’s why we offer the Ultrasonic Cavitation to anyone looking to lose weight without having to worry about any potential effects and long recovery times that often follow invasive treatments.

Contact us at 970-591-7919 to find out more about the non-surgical fat reduction Ultrasonic Cavitation procedure!

How Does It Work?

Ultrasonic Cavitation works by using low-frequency sound waves to break down fat cells in the body. When sound waves are transmitted through the skin, the body’s lymphatic system absorbs them. These ultrasound waves vibrate to destroy the fat cells that lie beneath the skin.

Once destroyed, the lymphatic system essentially discards the broken-down fat cells from the body, ensuring they cannot return. It does this by transforming the fat cells into fatty acids that the liver helps to eject from the body.

Ultrasound cavitation is an exciting new treatment that offers quick and effective results that really last.

Benefits of the Ultrasonic Cavitation in Fort Collins

The Ultrasonic Cavitation treatments have a long list of benefits in comparison to other fat reduction procedures, such as surgical liposuction.

Some of the benefits of this weight loss treatment include:

  • Fat reduction – as the treatment destroys fat cells and eliminates them from the body, the Ultrasonic Cavitation can reduce body fat by promoting fat reduction. Once the body ejects the cells, they cannot return.
  • Non-invasive procedure – fat reduction treatments typically involve invasive procedures that require a substantial amount of recovery time. Surgical procedures, including liposuction, usually take between 4 to 6 weeks before the patient is ready to return to normal activities. Ultrasonic Cavitation is a non-invasive procedure that significantly reduces any health risks and minimizes downtime in comparison to other invasive treatments.
  • Promotes body contouring – get the body shape you’ve been longing for! Breaking down fat cells can lead to a slimmer and leaner appearance, so you can achieve a contoured appearance without exerting yourself at the gym. Non-invasive body contouring is an appealing benefit for those wanting to achieve a more desired appearance while reducing body fat.
  • Quick and pain-free – unlike other fat reduction treatments, the Ultrasonic Cavitation is a quick and painless procedure. The treatment is informally known as a lunch break procedure, meaning those with a hectic and busy lifestyle can finish each session within an hour.
  • Reduces cellulite – one of the greatest benefits of Ultrasonic Cavitation is its ability to reduce the appearance of Cellulite. Typically occurring on the thighs, hips, and buttocks, Cellulite emerges on the body when skin cords pull down on the skin, which causes the appearance of dimpled flesh. The Ultrasonic Cavitation helps firm the skin, kill fat cells, and stimulate circulation, in turn reducing cellulite.

Where Can Ultrasonic Cavitation Be Used on the Body?

Ultrasonic Cavitation can be used on multiple areas of the body. The treatment is most effective in areas where localized fat is most prominent, including:

  • Stomach.
  • Flanks.
  • Hips.
  • Face.
  • Neck.
  • Upper arms.
  • Thighs.

During your free consultation, you can discuss which areas you’d like to target with a member of our team.

Once we have an idea of the results you hope to achieve, we’ll be able to put together the perfect treatment plan to ensure that you’re happy with the results.

What to Expect

At Xanadu Med Spa, we know that some clients can feel hesitant to try a new treatment when they aren’t sure what to expect.

That’s why we offer a free consultation before your appointment to answer any questions, clarify any doubts and ensure that you feel 100% comfortable and confident that this treatment is for you.

Before Treatment

Before your Ultrasonic Cavitation session, one of our licensed estheticians will examine the treatment area(s) and determine the best form of treatment moving forward. Doing this gives you an idea of what results you can expect once the session is done.

We recommend our patients avoid drinking alcohol and smoking 48 hours before each session. We ask that you inform a member of our team about any medications you may be taking prior to treatment and any medical conditions we should know about.

At Xanadu Med Spa, the comfort and privacy of our patients are some of our top priorities. Depending on the area being treated, you may be given a gown to wear to ensure privacy while allowing our team easy access to the treated area.

If you need to change into something more comfortable, you’ll be able to get dressed in a separate room with complete privacy.

During Treatment

Once you’re ready to start the treatment, one of our licensed estheticians may sterilize the area before moving a handheld ultrasound cavitation device over the treatment area.

Patients describe the feeling of the treatment as a slightly warm sensation moving across the skin that causes little discomfort.

You may hear a buzzing sound from the ultrasound fat cavitation machine. However, this is completely normal and nothing to worry about.

After Treatment

Ultrasonic Cavitation is a non-invasive treatment, so downtime is virtually 0.

Some patients sometimes experience redness and swelling in the treated area. However, this is a rare occurrence that usually subsides within 1 to 2 days.

We highly recommend our patients avoid consuming alcohol or nicotine after treatment. Smoking and drinking alcohol can extend the time it takes the body to get rid of fatty acids and waste. We also tell our patients to stay hydrated by drinking lots of fluids to aid the body in the waste elimination process.

How Long Does a Session Last?

Each Ultrasonic Cavitation session lasts between 15 minutes to just over an hour, depending on the area being treated and the client’s individual needs.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The longer the session, the fewer sessions you will require to get the desired results.

For example, a client undergoing Ultrasonic Cavitation treatments for 60 minutes or more will require fewer sessions than a client undergoing 15-minute sessions for every appointment.

Patients usually need to wait 2-3 weeks between longer sessions. Individuals opting to undergo shorter sessions can do so more frequently.

Are Ultrasonic Cavitation Results Permanent?

How long the Ultrasonic Cavitation results last greatly depends on you. That is, living a healthy lifestyle that includes following a healthy diet and doing regular exercise can help ensure long-lasting optimal results after the treatment program has been completed.

Following an inactive lifestyle without eating healthy will impact the effectiveness of the treatment as results will likely not last as long.

Ultrasonic Cavitation Cost

Ultrasonic Cavitation treatments are normally much cheaper than other fat removal treatments such as liposuction and other surgical procedures. That is, the Ultrasonic Cavitation fat loss treatment is an affordable alternative to more invasive procedures.

The cost of the Ultrasonic Cavitation procedures greatly depends on the size of the area being treated. For example, larger areas of the body, including the thighs and stomach, may take longer to treat and require deeper treatment which therefore may be more expensive than treating smaller areas of the body such as the neck.

During your free consultation, a member of our team can offer a price estimation of the treatment specific to your needs.

Am I a Good Candidate for Ultrasonic Cavitation?

Ultrasonic Cavitation in Fort Collins is a go-to treatment for anyone hoping to target specific areas of the body where fat is more difficult to get rid of.

The treatment is perfect for people looking to target certain fatty areas of the body without having to go under the knife.

The ideal candidate is a non-smoker who is already in good health.

It’s important for patients to have realistic expectations before undergoing this kind of treatment. The treatment helps eliminate fat from the body. However, the best weight loss results are seen by those who maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

Ultrasonic Cavitation vs. CoolSculpting

Both treatments target specific areas of the body to eliminate fat from the body.

While CoolSculpting freezes and kills fat cells, Ultrasonic Cavitation breaks down fat cells and eliminates them from the body.

Both treatments require no surgery and are usually followed by little to no downtime.

If you’re unsure about which treatment is best for you, don’t hesitate to ask a member of our team. We’ll be able to explain the fat-eliminating treatments we provide in detail so you can feel confident that your treatment plan suits your needs.

Say Bye to Stubborn Fat Cells With Ultrasonic Cavitation!

Let’s face it – no matter how much we work out and eat healthily, it can often feel impossible to get rid of those areas of the body that seem to hold on to fat like there’s no tomorrow. Our bodies sometimes need a little assistance to shift some body fat, and this treatment can do just that.

Ultrasonic Cavitation is the fat-removing treatment that plastic surgeons don’t want you to know about. It’s a quick, simple, and effective procedure that eliminates fat without the annoyingly long and tedious recovery time.

Contact us at 970-591-7919 to schedule your free consultation with a member of our team and find out more about Ultrasonic Cavitation in Fort Collins.

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