PicoSure Laser Facial in Fort Collins

Get Radiant and Youthful Skin With PicoSure

As you begin to age, your skin stops regenerating as fast. This can leave it looking dull, lifeless, and unhealthy. Fortunately, these changes do not need to be permanent. With the PicoSure for laser facials, our team can help you get rid of acne scarring, discoloration, wrinkles, fine lines, and large pores. This system provides beautiful results, no matter what your skin may look like.

PicoSure for Laser Facials

Treatment Highlights

Consultation Required?



Up to 2 days

Sessions Needed


Results Duration

Ongoing with annual maintenance

What It Treats

  • Skin pigment
  • Acne scars
  • Skin texture
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Pores

Benefits of PicoSure Laser Facial


One of the system’s main benefits is its non-invasive nature. Though it provides dramatic results that others will notice, PicoSure has a fast, nearly immediate recovery time.

No Heat

The PicoSure system does not rely on heat to reach the deeper layers of the skin. Instead, small, fast swells of energy are pushed into the face. This energy stimulates protein production and smooths fine lines, wrinkles, and large pores.


This amazing system permanently removes acne scarring. Though pigmentation and wrinkles can come back, biannual treatments can limit the amount of resurgence.

How It Works

The PicoSure laser is one of the most advanced laser facial treatments for skin rejuvenation in the marketplace.

Instead of using a constant beam of intense heat, PicoSure uses short bursts of energy, which minimizes damage to the skin overall while targeting problem areas of the skin. PicoSure can be used to treat a wide variety of skin issues, including freckles and brown pigmentation, acne scars, and wrinkling. It is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment that fits easily into busy lifestyles.

Get Started

Not sure where to start? You can find the best treatment using our treatment planning tool. Simply input your unique concerns, and we will send you a personalized list of recommended treatments that will help you accomplish your goals.

Treatment Planning Tool

What to Expect from Downtime

Lots of systems that yield these results put users at a disadvantage for days. Pain, swelling, stinging, and irritation are common with other methods, but not with PicoSure. This laser skincare system works gently with the skin, causing very few side effects. Most people experience very minor swelling and pain for no more than 24 hours. These minimal symptoms don’t interfere with your daily life, so you don’t have to slow down.

What PicoSure Is Best For

Acne Scarring

We all used questionable methods to get rid of our teenage zits. Unfortunately, some of those methods created lasting damage and unsightly scarring, which haunt us in our adult lives. PicoSure is a gentle way to remind your cells to produce collagen and elastin. These super proteins smooth out the skin and make acne scars a thing of the past.


Sun damage, birthmarks, hyperpigmentation, and freckles can all give our skin an uneven tone. When skin tone is not uniform, we can appear sick or older than we really are. PicoSure breaks up the cells that make these marks and allows the color to disperse by collaborating with your skin’s inner biome. The result is even skin that glows from morning till night.

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Wrinkles have long been a sign of lost youth. Though many topical products claim to help with wrinkles, PicoSure does it. PicoSure triggers elastin and collagen production, infusing your skin with the proteins it needs to regenerate and smooth lines. This science is genuinely cutting edge and is incredibly effective for wrinkle reduction.

Large Pores

As PicoSure jumpstarts collagen and biotin production, your skin smooths over large pores. This gives your skin an incredible, even texture that helps it glow. Embarrassing pores are a thing of the past.

Achieve Superior Results at Xanadu

If you feel that a PicoSure laser facial is right for you, we can help. We lead Northern Colorado in skin rejuvenation and anti-aging techniques. No one in the area can provide skin results that are more effective, safe, or immediate than ours. With your PicoSure treatments, you’ll see why we lead the state in skincare.