Most guys just use bar soap and abrasive scrubs in the shower as their “skin care” regimen. This dries out their skin and can actually increase the number of fine lines and wrinkles, which can make them look much older much earlier in life. It is possible to keep a youthful and healthy skin care regimen without having to worry about a cabinet full of products. Xanadu Med Spa is your go-to source for high-quality med spa treatments in Fort Collins and today, we’ll review a few simple tips for men’s skin care that will have your skin looking and feeling its best, helping you maintain that youthful appearance you have been striving for. Let’s get started!
Skin Care Tips for Men
Tip #1: Use a good cleanser.
This is the foundation from which the rest of the men’s skin care process is built upon. Cleansers either help or harm your skin. Sure your face may be clean – but the impact that cleanser has on your face is even more important than the cleanliness it achieves. Nouriche is our own private label brand at Xanadu Med Spa. Our cleanser is luxurious, purifying, and soothing all at once. The green tea polyphenols help prevent cell damage while the antioxidants and natural botanicals both nourish and restore. It’s a cleanser that actually hydrates the skin as opposed to drying it out.
Tip #2: Use a shaving cream with moisturizing properties in it.
The shave experience is meant to not only remove facial hair, but also to restore and replenish the skin. The proper shave will stimulate circulation and remove dead skin cells. RA’s Shave Gel is a natural foaming balm that adds extra antioxidants to skin as well as providing all-important moisture.
Tip #3: Use a good moisturizer.
If you haven’t picked up on it by now, keeping moisture in your skin is the number one way to keep your skin supple and young-looking. A moisturizer that also includes peptides is going to help build elastin and collagen, both key proteins in the anti-aging fight. Our Nouriche Moisturizing Peptide Lotion is designed exclusively for Xanadu to do just that.
Tip #4: Use a clinical sunscreen made for the face every day
Yes, you should use sunscreen every day, even the cloudy ones. The sunscreen that you use should be at least an SPF 30. You want both UVA and UVB protection. UVB is the burning ray, and UVA is the “aging” ray. Our Nouriche Ultra Sheer Sunscreen provides protection against both and includes zinc oxide, vitamin C, and those green tea polyphenols for ultimate skin health.
Embrace Your Youth with Men’s Skin Care Treatments in Fort Collins
Admittedly, there are many other factors that go into developing a quality men’s skin care routine, from eye cream to various treatments. We can talk to you about all those options (and would love the opportunity to do so). Remember, the basic foundation of good skin care for men is really just a combination of eating well and the four things listed above. Now, that’s not too hard, is it?
Contact Xanadu Med Spa today to refine your skin care routine.