Xanadu Med Spa


Achieve More Youthful Acting and Looking Skin That is Tighter To the Touch and Feel

Fort Collins BodyFx Body Contouring

BodyFX will reshape your trouble areas – simultaneously treating fat, loose skin, and cellulite. No anesthesia necessary, very little discomfort, BodyFX delivers phenomenal results and fat cell death – without incisions or surgery!

Cellulite is caused by a loss of elasticity in the skin along with fibrous bands that has allowed pockets of fat to bulge under the surface of the skin.

Gentle vacuum pressure stretches out connective tissue and maximizes treatment depth, improving overall results.
BodyFX use a combination of vacuum and radiofrequency energy to gently tighten skin and the fibrous attachments that result in cellulite.

BodyFX also uses short bursts of high voltage energy to disrupt the wall of the fat cell resulting in their eventual death. This unique, FDA-cleared technology tightens and tones the skin, kills fat and reduces the bumpy look of cellulitic skin in the targeted treatment areas.

Safe, gentle and entirely different than competing technologies, BodyFX is a series of treatments over a period of 6 to 8 weeks that work to deliver the improvement you are seeking.*

BodyFX is the ultimate treatment for cellulite, body contouring, and uneven fat irregularities incorporating bipolar RF, negative pressure and high amplitude nano-second pulses. These energies work cohesively to smooth out dimpled connective tissues while emitting radiofrequency waves to tighten the skin in its deeper layers. Heat from the radiofrequency waves reduces the volume of fat cells, thus shrinking the overall amount of fat under the skin. That’s what makes it one of the top cellulite treatments available.

The BodyFX high amplitude nano-second pulse trains create an electroporation effect causing apoptosis or permanent cellular death. The result is a noticeable loss in fat and a restored youthful contour. BodyFX is a new generation, first of its kind technology that incorporates the skin tightening element without the high consumables associated with the existing fat destruction technologies. Patients will find a rejuvenated shape in the treated area after the safe and comfortable BodyFX body contouring treatment.


Why Do I Need BodyFX?

BodyFx will reshape your body to provide a completely non-surgical alternative to liposuction. BodyFx can focus energy to target fat specifically, while simultaneously smoothing and tightening the skin. BodyFx works gradually to reduce fat and tighten skin. It is best suited to treat stubborn areas of fat or cellulite where tightening of the overlying skin is also necessary. The result is not just a reduction of fat, but also a remodeling of the skin for optimal body sculpting.


Features & Benefits


Yes, it is FDA approved and has been shown to result in the circumferential reduction of fat and a more toned body.

On average, about 6 to 8 weekly treatments are required. Each treatment takes about 30 minutes to complete per area. We sell packages in groupings of 6 to make it more affordable.

There really is not any recovery time required with BodyFx because most patients find the treatment entirely comfortable and easy to do. It can easily be done during something a lunch break or right before or after work.

Results are seen almost immediately after the first treatment for fat and cellulite, while skin tightening effects take more time and reach a peak at 6 to 8 months. Gradual improvements in the treatment area can be seen following the first few treatments with the skin’s surface feeling smoother and softer instantly.